MDT Materials

General informations
MDT - Monoclinic Double Tungstate

As a new European crystal manufacturer, we are introducing MDT crystals (Monoclinic Double Tungstate) as our first product in the laser crystal market. Two of the monoclinic double tungstates (KYW and KGdW) are well known as the lowest threshold hosts for lamp pumped Nd pulsed lasers and as Raman selfconverters. In modern diode pumped systems, the MDT family of crystals possess a very high figure of merit (combination of suitable parameters) as laser materials. With recently demonstrated continuous-wave emission, the most promising member of the MDT family is undoubtedly KYbW.....

Informations as PDF Download:
Yb:MDT PDF 1.100 kb
Nd:MDT PDF 1.350 kb)
Yb:MDT Spectra PDF 400 kb)
Yb:MDT Spectra detailed PDF 1.400 kb)
Nd:MDT Spectra PDF 830 kb)
MDT for Thins disc
MDT for ultra fast laser
MDT for conical refraction