About us

Its more than you can see.
Located in Goexe near Hannover we have found ideal conditions for our growing department in big atomic shelters deep under the green. Infrastructure for many million Euro give the basis of relayable conditions for growing and further processes. More than 1000 qm manufacturing area ensure space for high quantity production.

Stable electricity is guaranteed by our own powerstation, UPS and diesel generators.
The cooling of our growers is ecologically organised by heatpumps
for not wasting energy.
High pressure ventilation systems and airconditioning system powered by heatpumps is the basis for our cleanrooms.

VCT - laser crystals for tomorrow's technology

The firm Vision Crystal Technology AG has its headquarter in the town of Göxe east of Hannover. The VCT AG was founded in 2002 as one of only a handful of European companies growing optical crystals on an industrial scale. VCT concentrates on developing and growing crystals with future potential, especially in the field of diode-pumped solid state lasers. An international team of world-renowned scientists assembled to grow crystals that aim to have a decisive influence on tomorrow's technology: their workplace is a space of over 1,000 m² in two atom bomb-proof underground bunkers formerly used for telecommunications. In the meantime the company has a staff of ten and has initiated a variety of projects. The results achieved with VCT crystals in the area of laser development and the realization of "conical refraction" have already caused a stir at many conferences. Experts are already referring to the growing of a crystal with which conical refraction can be proved for the first time in over 170 years as nothing short of a sensation.
For further information, please see the enclosed article.

The VCT AG also benefits significantly from its proximity to one of the leading laser manufacturers in the field of medical and industrial lasers, Vision Lasertechnik GmbH. The two companies are cooperating on several different projects in the new laser technology centre and actively swap know-how with each other. It is thanks to the new crystals that the Vision Lasertechnik GmbH enjoys a technological lead over the competition. In the meantime, industry all over the world is showing keen interest in VCT's work. The crystals produced range from non-linear crystals (KTP, RTP, BBO) to laser crystals (KGW, KYW, KLuW), and also include all doping with Nd, Yb, Ho and Tm. However the monoclinic double tungstate (MDT) crystals in the area of disc lasers und femtosecond lasers form the focus of the company's work, both present and future.

The following abstract explains a novel application based on conical refraction in MDT:

For lots of modern laser applications the beam profile becomes more and more important. It means that a Gaussian beam sometimes is not the best solution anylonger. Therefore the Gaussian beam often has to be transformed into another profile, which almost is a so called "flat top". A flat top consists of a plane intensity profile with relatively steep edges. Up to today beam shaping is done either with diffractive or refractive optics. It is known that diffractive optics almost lead to intensity losses while refractive optics mostly consist of several single components, like a big number of micro lenses, whereby this product becomes quite expensive. The Vision Crystal Technology AG (VCT AG) from Germany recently realized beam shaping with a small monoclinic double tungstate (MDT) element of special orientation.

Please contact us: info@vct-ag.com